Valentines Day Flowers in Coventry

The Perfect Valentines Day flowers in Coventry, Warwick and the surrounding areas. Delivered straight to your doorstep!

Find stunning Valentines Day flowers in Coventry for delivery straight to your door. Delivery available for Balsall Common, Eastern Green, Berkswell, Burton Green, Most of Coventry, Kenilworth, Solihull, Knowle, Dorridge and Hampton In Arden. Contact us today to get the perfect valentines gift!

🌹All our bouquets are aqua bags – gift wrapped and presented in a gift bag 

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Our Valentines Day Flowers

Our Valentines Seclection

Red Rose Bouquet Valentines Day Flowers in Coventry


A Dozen of Luxury Red Roses

A beautiful bouquet of the highest quality red Roses sure to put a smile on anyone’s face.

Red Rose Bouquet Valentines Day Flowers in Coventry


1/2 a dozen of luxury red roses

Luxury Valentines Red Roses are a perfect gift for those you love on this special day.

Luxury Valentines Day Gift White Roses Valentines Day flowers in coventry West Midlands


A dozen of luxury White roses

White Roses signify pure everlasting love. Let this Valentines Day Bouquet speak volumes.

Premium Pink Roses Fast and free delivery to balsall common


a dozen of Luxury pink roses

Gentle pink Roses will make a beautiful present for the one you love the most.

Valentines Day flowers in coventry


A mixed dozen of luxury red and pink roses

Cant decide on just one colour? These Valentines Day Flowers are a perfect choice for any lucky person!

Florist Balsall Common, Valentines Day flowers in coventry


the tropical one

Constisting of 3 red Roses and 3 Red Anthuriums, this continental collection is ideal for that special someone.

Valentines Day flowers in coventry



lilies and roses

There are no meaningless flowers. Lillies and Roses together represent the ideal love. This Bouquet is the ideal present for Valentines Day.

Luxury Gift Box Solihull West Midlands



luxury gift box with red roses

(as many as you need)

There is perfection in simplicity. With the addition of a beautiful box, your loved ones will feel extra special.


single red rose

(includes foliage)

Say a thousand words with this single red Rose and make your loved one smile.



mixed handtied incl. red rose

The perfect gift for your loved ones delivered straight to their door in Coventry, Solihull and surrounding areas.

Fresh and beautiful Valentines Day Flowers in Coventry. Order today to ensure delivery for 14th of February!